Sunday, May 20, 2007

ALLA Baseball May 18, 2007

Miqdadi pitcher, Simon, jumps at the ball

Husam scores for Cozmo

Lauren at bat for Cozmo

Farouk of Cozmo slides into third base

Jonas of Persil heads home while Andrew of Brio waits for the ball

Rami pitching for Brio

Sonja bats for Persil

Zach pitches for Commerce Overseas

Two ACES players work to make an out at second base

Hashweh's pitcher comes in for a play at home plate

ACES pitcher in his wind-up

Hashweh player, ready to make a move

Matt bats for JCC

Tim and Seth, at the ready for Pirelli

Lauren at bat for JCC

Josiah crosses the plate, scoring for Pirelli